Monday, August 22, 2011


If I could make this all a blur,
Confusing my senses, fooling them,
Resigning to pure reception,
I would, give myself to a splash
Of colours never seen, never imagined;
Sounds never heard, joys never felt,
Sorrows never suffered; I'd take
them all for none matter. I am lost,
Always was, lost and in torment.

Much too trivial, I say, trivialities
Abound; yet there is significance
That creeps in, significance ruins.
Posession ruins. Beyond me it will
Always be, yes, comprehension cannot
Be had. I search solace in unexplored
Trivialities, I search. I find them,
I imagine them. I cling on. Significance
creeps in.

I hate this existence, I love existence.

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