Monday, July 25, 2011


I may be as torn as souls thrown out of lives
I may be as sad as lonesome can ever be
I may see the glee that this world can ever churn
I may hear the noise that drowns away my thoughts

But there's this, you are always with me
Times we spent, like treasures ours to keep
Dreams we saw, forever urging on
Promises made, I am glad to keep in place

Because you and me, is the calm for all my life
All of my thanks, I'd give away for your presence
All I ever want, is your smile - the one I know
All I shall give, is my love - the one you do know

So come here to me, I am torn for your lack
Bring me my joy, even if purely fleeting
I'd give you my all, let's make this dream come true
I'd give you my all, let's claim our happiness...

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