Monday, February 12, 2007

A Typical Chemistry class(12th standard)
Some of the best memories I have of school are of the events that unfolded in our chemistry periods. Our teacher was Mr. M, not one bit strict and not one bit capable of handling a class of 30.
We were pretty well behaved and under control when he was a new teacher, but once we got used to him, there was no leniency.
So, Mr. M walks in, we stand up to greet him(here is where it starts;-))and we remain standing. After spending some time convincing us to sit and after we finally sit, he starts "teaching".
The well behaved girls take out there novels and horoscope books. Few back benchers are eating.
Then someone coughs(but isn't that contagious) and sure enough the entire class is coughing, at the same time!!!! Mr. M says nothing much(perhaps he was too amazed). The coughing gives way to some quiet, he continues.
Vaibhav, my benchmate say "Aaj bhi kal waale kapade hei pehan ke aaya hey". We are in the second bench. Hemachandra and Shiva in the first bench. Right on their desk, Resnik & Halliday(a huge encyclopedia of physics) and R.D Sharma(a big book of math) right under Mr. M's nose, but he prefers not to notice.
Suddenly we hear noises from the back, Nivin is at work. He is making the kind of sounds that you would hear at the finish line of an F1 race. yeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooowwwwwww........
Anirban is absent, he has called Vaibhav on his cell. Vaibhav uses his huge palm to hide the cell(not his mouth) and is happily talking. I am chewing gum.
Then the back benchers decide to sing a song together. The Hutch song is selected. At the count of a three, a hum is heard-"You and this.........". Mr. M stops "teaching". The song stops.
Time passes by quickly. It is five mins to the bell. I can't chew gum in the next period, so I have to spit it out. I pack it in a small piece of paper. On it I write "Open with a smile :-)", throw it to Puneeta and have the last laugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a slight correction... vinay doesn have the last laff on the chewin gum trick.... punita doesn open the gross thing coz she knew wat dat squishy mushy thing really was.... the real person wuz aditya.... who thought it was a t.t ball... he.. heh... hehehe..... LOL! i trust the "tall-tail-teller-lion" kin take it away from here.....