Monday, February 12, 2007

Happiness in Insignificance
All worries are due to the importance we attach to them. Imagine a life so insignificant that you had absolutely nothing to worry about.
Imagine you were a tiny bug, living on a leaf high up in a roadside tree. Your leaf(your home) being lit, at night, by a romantic yellow hue from the flickering streetlight right above you.
Your food----> A bite off the leaf
Your drink---> A little juice from the leaf
Your companion is another tiny bug, of the opposite gender, your mate. All you have to do is make sure you survive and make love, so as to lay eggs and reproduce. Whats more, you don't even have too care for the young. As soon as the eggs hatch they are off on their own.
Summers and winters come and go. All you deal with is your leaf, the seasons and your mate. Your inability to suffer is your happiness.

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