Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Dream

I came to consciousness in a big house, lying on the floor, many other people were in the house. The roof had a big hole in it. From the fear prevalent in my surroundings I gauged that we all wanted to run somewhere but we had nowhere to hide. We were stuck in a battlefield, in the middle of a war.The war was with the USA. Reason for the war I do not know. From what I remember we were being bombed by around 7 to 9 US fighter jets. They were black in colour, powerful, advanced. The bombing was happening late in the evening. I clearly remember seeing through the hole in the roof, the sky drenched in a dark blue colour, every now and then a US fighter jet would whizz past. A thunderous sound would be unleashed followed by an explosion somewhere close by.We the people stuck on the ground, had nowhere to go and nothing to do other than stay still and hope. Hope for a miracle. We all knew the US was more powerful, but we hoped that our government would be able to defend us, that something would save us.Most of us had our eyes were fixed to the sky, like as though the help would come from the sky. Slowly for some reason more and more people concentrated on the sky. Something was happening. Something was changing. A different noise could be heard, different from what we had been hearing all the while.We continued staring at the sky. Then we could see it, they had arrived, the Indian fighters, they were more in number, they were smaller, faster, the LCAs had arrived. My eyes were wet with tears. A smile appeared on our faces as we watched them.They were a lot more scattered than the Americans, the bombing stopped immediately. We saw as the Indian fighters zoomed around like a big flock of small birds chasing away the bigger intruders. A sense of pride filled us, patriotism was the word running through our minds. The danger was thwarted.We were saved.

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