Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Glance out the window - no changes
 Silent and lonely summer afternoons; the sound of each drop of water, from a leaky tap, meeting its end; my grandmother's rhythmic breathing, the occasional swaying of the tall trees outside and the sighing of the wind are all I heard sitting down alone on the floor, unable to sleep for being a 2 year old. I observed the eery shadows cast by inanimate objects in the house, as though attempting to protest their lack of expression. Now I heard the cry of a man going about his profession of selling vegetables, it was the same as yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and the day before that, till as far back as I could remember. It was the sound of time, in those afternoons, that filled the space around me.

Two decades have been inserted by time in between now and those lost days; two decades of life, two decades of change, growth, emotions. Time has, so it feels, also inserted a clever 'lack of time' in my life, proving its shyness to me once again. Time only made itself heard to me on those lone afternoons, when I listened carefully to every move it made. Now it hides from me, in a game of hide and seek where I am no longer keen on seeking. But even now when I do listen, when I try to seek during any long summer afternoon, I hear the same voice as I did two decades ago. I can hear, so much has been changed by time but time remains the same. The spirit of time still flows around me as it once did, as it always will.

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