Friday, January 18, 2008


The variety in the forms of entertainment available for us is staggering these days. There has been a gradual increase in the forms of entertainment since the beginning of civilisation, and recently there has been a burst in the numbers caused mainly by technologies like television, Internet, mobile phones etc.

Reality shows, sports, movies, even news being turned into entertainment by some channels. In all this I can't help but think about where the initial forms of entertainment have gone. Perhaps in the earlier days when a man felt bored he would go up to his neighbour and talk. Are we all forgetting this basic interaction with our neighbours/friends as a form of entertainment?

I believe interacting with people is still the best form of entertainment as compared to others. It is enjoyable, refreshing and offers a lot of learning opportunities. Looking at it that way I feel we should use the available technologies more to interact with people. Gone are the days when our only friends were our neighbours, we can make friends now across continents; so what's stopping us?


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