Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Infamous Gum trick
This trick was initially Vaibhav's brilliant idea. He successfully carried it out on two subjects-Aditya and Pooja.
The trick- Chew gum, take it out and throw it to someone and shout "catch", not expecting it to be gum the person catches it.
POOJA- It was during the Junior annual day. Vaibhav plays the trick on Pooja. She catches it not knowing it was gum. She looks in her hand realises what it is but does not throw it down. When I asked her why she replied, "The kids' parents walk this way, I don't want to dirty the place".
ADITYA- Aditya is playing table tennis and Vaibhav throws him the gum. He catches it and drops it down without taking a close look at it. Seeing all the laughter it generated he picks it up, takes a close look, realises what it is, drops it down, whipes his hand on his trousers and continues with table tennis.

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