Sunday, October 17, 2010


Cherished are those that ignite
Wonder in one's perception,
Shine and glimmer out of the dull,
Gather praise, deserving and undeserving.

Often are forgotten the monotonies of life,
Hidden in everlasting existence,
Existing in faithful companionship,
Ever stirring the life in the object.

But I pause in this moment,
Yes gratitude for what could be but what is,
Gifts of healing simplicity deserve their worth,
Yes, I cherish you.


I am drowning; my strength diminishing, caught between fatigue and a lack of will power.
I am surrendering, with a last bit of curiosity, to destiny, to see what fate holds for me.
I am indulging, with a blasphemous negligence of myself, in the pleasures of guilt.
I am leaving; seek me not, no roads back to the present from the destination I seek for myself.