Sunday, September 28, 2008

28 september 2008 12:15 am..... Sitting next to the pool, under the stars on a cool and clear New Orleans night, listening to stairway to heaven you can only tell yourself: "Do whatever it takes but just be happy, each moment gone is a moment lost."
Delhi-Chicago flight The flight didn't take a route that we imagined. Instead it went over Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, the NORTH POLE, Greenland and Canada. And because of the route we left at night and reached at night, but for a brief moment I saw sunlight in between while we were over the north pole.

27 september 2008 1:30 pm..... New Orleans first city outing: We went out for lunch into the city to a place calledAarby's. I have only been having fast food :-). Then we went to wall-mart and realised that it was a pretty bad neighbourhood. The people were quiet spooky and weird. You could sense it was unsafe. We were clever enough to take a taxi and not walk! We reached our hostel later in one piece and no one had stolen my laptop too! I also found a working plug point adapter for my laptop :-). Its 4 am in Iindia now and I have been smsing folks back in India.

27 september 2008 12:18 pm.....We reached the India House hostel and just unpacked a little. We took a shuttle from the airport to get here and saw a lot of the American characteristics that we were familiar with - the SUV's, the highways, the motels etc. The hostel is a very unique place. I will go out and take some pictures now.
27 september 2000 6:30 am We landed in chicago, its the first time I have stepped into the united states of America. We are half a globe away and I have this weird feeling seeing all the things in real life that I have been seeing on television and magazines for years now.
26 september 9 pm .... Waiting at delhi international airport we spoke to a swiss woman. She is a nurse and is part of ladhak partners, which is, from what i understood an organisation that deals with traditional forms of medicine in ladhak. She was telling us about the harsh winters there and how the locals struggle, but are still happy with their lives and how a rich country like switzerland has unhappy people and a high suicide rate. We then were talking about how many different and varied things all the people in the lounge might be involved with. The lady sitting next to us from switzerland, walked for days through snow covered mountains and helped villagers and learnt about traditional indian medicine. What if we could talk to all the travellers here?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Re shuffling

Its been painting time at home for the past few days. Everything had to be moved around, all the wardrobes had to be emptied. Some things that had remained untouched for 4 years had to shifted and thats when so many of your memories get refreshed. All my old notebooks from school came out and I could see in them those afternoons in class, those were the days. All the fun, excitement, innocence, the hilarious pranks we used to play, pouring water and throwing chalk pieces and sawdust. I love those lost days from the past now, and I may love today tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Easier blogging!

Finally I managed to setup internet access on my mobile phone by using the bluetooth to connect to the broadband connection. Now this means I can post directly from the phone! Now this is very easy and convenient and I hope it encourages me to post a lot more often. :-)


There is something about patience that seems to imperss everyone. Its been many months now, and the months have been so long, that it now only feels very very weird and sometimes silly to get hurt when someone acknowledges that I have been abnormally patient in these months. Would I have ever thought such a day would come?